
Hair Q&A: How Often Can ACV Rinses Be Done?

Q: What does an ACV Rinse do? How often can ACV rinses be done & how do you do it?

A: Rinsing with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) helps balance the pH of your hair, removes product buildup, eliminates dandruff and itchy scalps as well as closes the cuticle scales which cover and protect the surface of the hair shaft. This makes a smoother surface which reflects more light and as a result leaves your hair shinier and easier to manage.

I rinse about every 3-4 weeks when I feel build up forming in my scalp. By build up, I personally mean dandruff. Once I see the flakes, I know its time to do my ACV rinse. Now there's always the question of doing the ACV rinse before or after washing your hair. I like to do my ACV as a final rinse after I've either co-washed or deep conditioned my hair. But, I have heard of others applying it on top of their conditioners and deep conditioners then rinsing everything out altogether. Haven't tried it, but will give it a try in the near future. When using the ACV as a final rinse, the question of whether to rinse it out or keep it in also comes in to play. Again, since I use the ACV as a final rinse I prefer not to rinse it out and move right along to my leave in conditioner. I'm not a fan of the smell, but once my hair is completely dried the ACV smell will eventually vanish.

The first few times I've done an ACV I did 1 cup of ACV into about 3 cups of cold purified water to dilute the mix. (There's no real reason as to why I like to use purified water as opposed to tap water -- I just like using purified water for all my recipes.) It left my hair feeling great, just the smell was very overwhelming for me. You can definitely add oils to the rinse to reduce the smell of the ACV, I just haven't gotten around to that yet. As of lately I've been trying out different ratios using the ACV wash. This week I'm using 1 tbsp. of ACV to 2 cups of cold purified water. I figure since I don't have a big fro yet I can loose the full cup of ACV and replace it with 1 tbsp. Results to soon follow.

What's your ACV recipe?

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