
Curls & Curve: A Natural Hair & Body Party

Yesterday, Sheena Lashay hit me up inviting me to her event taking place in New York City on August 13, 2011. Since it's the day right after my birthday (& it's actually Sheena's birthday that day!) I will be out of town & won't get to make it. :( But this event looks like it's going to be a blast, so I wanted to share it with all you girls!

A Natural Hair and Body Event

Join me at Sheila Kelley's S Factor studio in New York for another "New York Naturals" event. http://www.sfactor.com/index.asp

DATE: August 13, 2011
TIME: 2 PM to 4 PM
LOCATION: 147 West 24th Street (between 6th & 7th ave)
COST: $20 per person (covers the cost of the AMAZING instructor)

Speaking of instructors, we will be lead by the wonderful IILOV GRATE. She's one of our own rocking an amazing head of locs! Find out more about IILOV HERE.

To register for the event call 212.989.8030 and give the code "SLY11". The studio will then request additional information, such as your name and payment info. REGISTER NOW. Space is extremely limited.

What should I wear? Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. We will begin the class warming up & stretching and then we will let loose. Perhaps bring yoga clothes AND your favorite dress or sexy shirt or 6 INCH HEELS!!! It's up to you.

What if I've never taken a dance class in my life? It is okay. This event will meet you where you are at. There is something for everyone no matter what level you are at.

Is there a height or weight limit? NO. No matter your size or shape, there is room for you. There is room for every kind of woman.

I'm not completely comfortable with my body. Won't I look silly? NO. You are beautiful and amazing and I ESPECIALLY want you there!

What can I expect when I walk in? The studios are designed with an intimate setting. There are NO MIRRORS. The lights are VERY low. Yoga mats are set up around the room for warm up.

Are you receiving something for doing this event? No. The cost is to cover the cost of the instructor and the studio time. I simply asked to do an event specifically for natural hair women so that we could spend time loving our natural bodies and S Factor was gracious enough to allow me.

My hair isn't curly or natural but I want to come? If you are a woman, we want to have you in this class!

If you have any questions leave a comment below or email me at SheenaLaShay@gmail.com. I will be there and I can't wait to see your beautiful, gorgeous self.


  1. yeah the style observes this and the happiness is in the side!
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