
DIY: Lemon Honey Rinse

I love mixing the everyday ingredients I have laying around my kitchen & see what I can make for my hair next. I always have an abundance of honey and lemons laying around, so I decided to combine the ingredients to make myself a quick rinse.


  • 2 tbsp of Honey
  • 1/4 Lemon juice
  • 4 cups of Purified Water

Combine in a bowl. After co-washing or shampooing, rinse through hair. Don't wash out. Apply your leave-in conditioner, oils and style as needed.

Why honey?
Honey naturally attracts and holds moisture. It is also a natural antiseptic and contains antioxidants. Honey is packed with vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulphur, iron, zinc and vitamins B1, B2, B3, which aid in hair growth.

Why lemon juice?
Lemon juice for hair is a natural treatment to prevent hair loss and boost growth. Lemon juice stimulates hair growth as it is rich in vitamin A and B, phosphorus and antioxidants. Applying lemon juice on hair makes it healthy, shiny and strong.

Do you use lemon &/or honey in your hair regimens? Any recipes you'd recommend trying? 


  1. loves honey. I add honey to my ACV rinses.My hair and I do honey rinses (w/o lemon) every once in a while.

  2. Definitely going to try this!

  3. I've used honey as a DC and with henna treatments, but the last time I used lemon, it made my hair super dry. But I've never thought to combine them! Next hair thing to try out :)

  4. Thanks for the info. I am going to try this!
