
CurlyNikki's NYC Meet Up!

On Thursday, my best friend Shayna and I headed to the Carlton Hotel for CurlyNikki's first NYC Meet Up. Honestly, I was very nervous since this was my first time attending a meet up since I not only started Party Over Hair, but went natural so I didn't really know what to expect. Plus, I was so nervous that I walked out the house without my Canon, so all pictures were taken from my iPhone. 

Nonetheless, by the time we got there & got inside I was completely impressed with the turn out -- us NYC Naturals managed to have the Carlton Hotel packed! We mingled around the crowd, met some new Curlfriends, handed some Party Over Hair cards -- but most importantly, I got to finally meet Curly Nikki! For the few seconds I did get to speak with her, she was sooo nice! So glad that I finally got to meet one of my inspirations.

Shayna & I walked around looking at all the wonderful hair presentations the Mizani stylists doing & I have so say all the styles were absolutely gorgeous. I'm definitely excited to try out their new product line: True Textures. Unfortunately, we didn't stay until 10PM--since I still had a bunch of design work to finish at home--but the time that we were there, we definitely enjoyed ourselves. Plus, we left with a complimentary Mizani goodie bag with samples of their new True Textures products that I cannot wait to try!

So, who was there? Did you enjoy yourselves? Have you tried the Mizani samples yet? 

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  1. That looks pretty fun, I've never been to a natural hair meetup either but I want to check one out soon. I'm on the west coast though so I don't know if there are any good ones out this way. Everything I see going on seems to be on the east coast.

