
Carrega's Corner: Past Remains the Present(ation)

By Christina Carrega

I have a job interview next week should I wear my hair natural or straighten it just for that day?

This is the most fascinating and highly controversal question that I've researched and experienced since doing the big chop.

There are numerous video from women of all ages asking advice on this subject matter and everyone offered the iffy, politically correct responses like:

"Go as yourself and let them see who you are, don't hide it."

"Straighten your hair just to get the elephant of uncomfort out of the room, especially if its a corporate position."

"Straighten it now and after you get the position, let your curls go."

But no kind of advice or words of wisdom from someone from other cultures or more importantly a member of Human Resources that would give an opinion on the record.

Now, don't get my wrong, I praise Madame CJ Walker for becoming the first African-American female millionaire and creating ground breaking inventions that changed the way hair can be worn, but those days of trying to be accepted in a white-only society is over.

Or is it?

Past episodes of defunct The Tyra Banks Show had African-American guest who claim to purposely reproduce with other ethnicities because they didn't want their children to grow up with "nappy" hair and that their skin would be socially acceptable compared to their darker skin tone.

What a shame that people are still haunted by the Willie Lynch theory and aren't even aware.

That's an issue for those individuals to admit to, rehabilitate and overcome in their own time, but for now what can we do about this issue of making others ook pass our kinky curls and tune into our intellect.

Honestly, its all about the individual in that interview and the skills they will offer to the company.


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