
Carrega's Corner: Comply With The Rules or Not?

By: Christina Carrega

Had a conversation with a friend about how your hair plays apart in your professional life.

She was told by a professional career counselor that, when you go on interviews to always have your hair back and not to let your hair be a distraction.

And my comment for statements like that will always be, "It's just hair what is the big deal!?"

However, my dear friend made a valid point.

If a police officer with hair like Dennis Rodman came up to you asking for your license and registration would you take he or she less serious than the officer with her hair in a ponytail or with a low Caesar cut?

I had to think about it and agree. People who work in fields that portray a form of authority like a police officer, doctor, lawyer or clergyman must keep their appearance as stern as possible.

So does this rule apply with the everyday naturalist?

Do we have to keep our appearances to a traditional professional code to be taken seriously? Or 
Are we expected to work in fields that only pertain to free-spirited businesses like artist, waiters or performers?

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