
Going Natural: Aitza Briauna's Hair Journey

Hi Curlies, I'm Aitza Briauna and I'm a 17 year old high school junior. I'm originally from Orlando, FL but currently live in the Raleigh, NC area. I am of Dominican (West Indies), Native America (Black Foot Nation), German and Irish descent and consider myself to be multicultural/ethnic/racial or a mutt, LOL! I love reading, writing, baking, music, food and all things Grey's Anatomy. I have big dreams and aspire to be an anesthesiologist! 

You can find me online, my username are: babycakesbriauna (YT, CurlyNikki & NaturallyCurly) & babycakebriauna (Twitter). My blog is babycakesbriauna.blogspot.com

How long have you been natural?
I've been naturally basically all my life. I don't use the hair typing system, instead I describe Bree as being kinky curly, thick and coarse--so you can get an idea of what I've been working with all these years. My dad allowed be to get a Just for Me at the age 3 which didn't take. Then I received a texturizer at age 9 which also did nothing to my curls, it just cut down on my detangling time. Aside from that no chemicals have touched this head.

Why did you choose to go natural?
I chose to stay natural because I didn't see the use for relaxers. I went through a phase when I first moved to Raleigh where I wanted one and my mom was like "Fine you can one but when all your hair falls out, I don't want to hear you mouth." After that I was over getting a relaxer. Sure I had seen some people with long, relaxed hair but they seemed to be a rare breed. I didn't want to risk my hair. Up until the Thanksgiving of last year I only wore my hair out in the summer. I found it to be more convenient to wear braids or twists during the school year. It was a wake up and go style that allowed be to sleep longer in the mornings--which I loved

What's your hair regiment?
I don't really have a regiment, I just go with the flow. If Bree feels dirty, I wash her. If she feels dry, I condition. I'm all for keeping things simple. At this point in my life when I dealing with choosing colleges, volunteering, applying for internships, staying on honor roll and just being a teenage female I have more important things to stress about than my hair. 

I usually wash once or twice within a 14 day period depending on what styles I've been sporting and the products I've been using. I shampoo and condition with either Creme of Nature or Elasta QP. My leave in varies froom Elasta QP, Garnier Fructis, and Shea Moisture. My stylers and moisturizers consist of KCCC, KCSS, Eco Styler Argan, One Bottle 6n1, AVG, Curls Control Pasta and Shea Moisture Smoothie. I use EVOO, coconut oil, sweet almond oil, and tea tree oil. From time to time I'll use B&B oil grease. I detangle on damp hair before my shampoo and section the hair in four sections. Then I condition, DC, and style. In the summer I usually plait my hair and air dry; however, my hair takes forever to dry so I'll more than likely blowdry in the winter. Braid outs, twist outs, bantu knot outs, and buns/puffs are my usual styles. They're easy to accomplish and I get consistent results.

What's the best thing about being natural?
The best thing about being natural is that I have so much versatility. On day I can be rocking a fro, the next a braid out, then I may decide I want it straight. Most days my hair matches my mood and I feel that says a lot about me. I see Bree as a way to be creative and I don't think I've de about to do that if I were relaxed.

What advice would you give to a newbie to help her along her natural hair journey?
Always carry a little kit with you. Bobby pins, hair combs, and hair ties are your best friend. Aside for that I'd have to say do what's best for you. Listen to hair and don't stress. Find what works for your lifestyle and schedule and go from there. It doesn't have to be complicated if you keep things simple. If you ever get bored play around with your hair. There are so many options that you have and there are so many people you can turn to. This isn't something you have to go through alone. If you find somewhere along the way, being natural isn't for you don't feel guilty. It's your hair, it's your life but more importantly, it's just hair.

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